About Me

My photo
dallas, Texas
I'm a wife & a mother of 3 insanely happy children. I do nothing perfectly and enjoy the flaws of everything. I eat too much sugar, sing loudly and off-key occasionally, embarrass myself often, and laugh through it all. I blog my messy crazy life simply because..... it's cheaper than therapy!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baby hungry- Dallas TX photographer

This little guy makes me baby hungry again. Isn't he sweet? He's at a really fun age too. Oh, I'm in trouble- he makes me want another one bad!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Playing with textures

I have been dying to play with textures in photoshop. I love the look of old, aged photos. While I don't think I would do this on every photo (I want to though!) it's fun to play & see the difference. You can see the difference on a couple from my earlier post. I am having so much fun!

Friday, March 5, 2010

my stinker

Dear K- as you throw your tantrums today I am trying to remember you just over a year ago. Sweet, squishy cheek, peaceful baby. I miss you, please come back! My talented sister took some of these photos too!
