About Me

My photo
dallas, Texas
I'm a wife & a mother of 3 insanely happy children. I do nothing perfectly and enjoy the flaws of everything. I eat too much sugar, sing loudly and off-key occasionally, embarrass myself often, and laugh through it all. I blog my messy crazy life simply because..... it's cheaper than therapy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stop growing!

Its really hard to get a good picture of M. She loves being goofy around the camera and making funny faces. I think I finally captured her true smile in these two shots. Now, could you stop growing up so fast? I want to enjoy you more before the sassy teenage years!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The 3 minute session

We had approx. 3 minutes of time to take pictures of this cutie. It had rained an entire week straight and this guy was heading home to Florida. We ran out in between the down pours and grabbed as many pictures of this sweet boy as we could. He was a mover! It was more like a 3 minute work out but worth it!


Found this photo and remembered how much I loved taking this families pictures!
